
Line Reflection Values

We want you to love working here as much as we do. To inspire our team to be creative, high-yielding, and mostly feel valued as an integral part of the organization, we offer endless perks and de-stressors. How fun it is to unwind while at work !

Festival bonus, Performance bonus

Lunch, snacks, tea/coffee

Medical incentive

International travel and team engagement

Weekly 2 day off, Yearly paid leave

Maternity/ Paternity Benefits

Provident fund

Yearly salary review

Our Vision, Mission, and Goals

Our vision is to increase the integrity of our client's software. Standardizing approach, guidance, and technological adaptation is our utmost mission. By Identifying and leveraging accurate insights on project overheads, reducing the cost, effort, duration, and risk of software projects is possibly our biggest goal.

So, are you looking for any digital solutions?

Let's talk and solve it together!

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